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The Best of Both

We're not a typical digital agency. We're a small virtual agency run by business professionals skilled at focusing the creative talent of seasoned freelancers. We can scale up or down easily according to your needs and your work volume. We make a vast array of industry resources available to you and your initiatives and manage each detail with care, ensuring every project is a success.


Cost Effective

Hire us for individual projects, retain us on a contract basis, or request a plan customized to your needs. However you work with us, you'll enjoy professional services at reasonable rates. Because unlike a traditional ad agency, we charge only for the time actually spent on your project. You benefit from an efficient workflow and a disciplined-yet-flexible approach to doing business.

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Where We Excel

  • Web design & development
  • Graphic design, concept development
  • Digital marketing: branding, online presence, social media
  • Copywriting for web, blogs and other online spaces. All print media.
  • Comprehensive brand management
  • Website maintenance & technical support
  • Details: We don't miss them, ever

question markIs Still River Creative an agency? Freelance group? Consultants?


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Recent Work


Creating a voice that resonates

Down-to-earth messaging crafted to reach Millennials

Toxic Teddy

Date of Service 2014 – 2020

Project Consulting / Copywriting


Why a top Boston beer distributor tapped us for their redesign

Intuitive navigation and easy search are the front end of a sophisticated web experience

Burke Distributing

Launched May 2015

Project Rebuild/redesign of existing website

Mobile Compatible Yes

Client-editable Yes

Platform Concrete5 CMS

▸ see live site


Cooking up a feast for the eyes

Specialty foods website serves visitors with easy-to-access info and tasteful details

TexaFrance, Inc

Launched December 2014

Project Rebuild/redesign of existing website

Mobile Compatible Yes

Client-editable Yes

Platform HTML5 + Bootstrap 3

▸ Client: "Working with Still River Creative..."

▸ See live site